Retainers After Braces: What You Should Know


Is it necessary to wear retainers after braces? Yes, it certainly is. Retainers hold the teeth in their desired position after the braces are removed. Here at Smith Orthodontics, we use mainly clear retainers.  Occasionally, …

Adult Braces: Are They Right For You?


Are you considering getting braces? Many adults choose to get braces for a variety of reasons. Some were never able to get braces when they were younger. Others had braces when they were younger, but …

Phase 1 Ortho: Treating the Top Teeth


It is recommended that children have their first orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7 or 8. By this age most children have a few permanent teeth in place, which allows an orthodontist to identify …

How Much Do Braces Cost In Beavercreek, OH?


These days, there are many different options for orthodontic treatment, and yet traditional metal braces continue to be the most popular. Braces are a tried-and-true treatment that can be used to address a wide range …